2012年11月4日 星期日

Brandon's blocking pass for Nov 4th

1 則留言:

  1. Hey Brandon! Sorry this reply is so late--I was super busy yesterday.
    I was talking about this shot with Lucie and we think it's a little jarring that it ends mid-turn... Maybe you can make it longer(?) or cut off a bit from the start of the shot to finish it.
    I think you should keep his eyes open as long as possible before he turns to keep that connection with the audience.
    I was also wondering if there were too many beats with Alex. Think about removing his first glance back towards the grandma. It's nice, but I'm not sure there's enough time for everything... This is just food-for-thought, though. Your shot's probably changed a bit since this anyway. ;)
    Keep it up! The emotions are working nice.
