2012年10月14日 星期日


Hey guys!
Here are some artists I found inspirational. 

Chris Applehans for environments and story moments

Heidi Smith for character

Chris Turnham for environments and props

Shane Prigimore for characters

Alan Cook (especially for prop design)

Also, check out these films:
Suzie Templeton's Peter and the Wolf
(an amazing stop motion with lots of drama, great shapes/textures)

Le Building
(a wonderful Gobelin film.  Great shapes.  Good for shape study and design development ideation stuff)

Explore, have fun, do scribbles.  Do the stuff you're not normally allowed to in school.  If you want to do paper cutout, sculpture, fabric, 3D, post it notes, go for it.  As long as you can do a clear finished piece by the deadline, you are allowed to do any medium for the development.  Assymetry.

Go see Paranorman.  If you guys want to do a movie night and watch Coraline/go see Paranorman, I'm down. 

Happy Arting!

1 則留言:

  1. Maquette sculptor for Coraline, too: http://www.bardsculpturestudio.com/
