2012年10月21日 星期日

Grandma's Ideation

Some Ideation I did Saturday for Grandma. What do you guys think? I'll have more as soon as I get my other work done. 

2 則留言:

  1. I like the center bottom one and how her hair peaks to a point at the top.

    Christy, Polly, and I took a field trip out and got lots of good antique/curiosity shop reference. I uploaded them to the server so take a look! I'd like to see what you have for prop designs next

  2. The bottom right is definitely my favorite-maybe with the fiery eyes like you have in a few of the others. The strong triangle shapes you use un that one make her seem like an A-personality type. :)
    Good job pushing the shapes! Make sure her poses make her seem in-charge.
