2012年10月20日 星期六

City of the beast Team1

City of the beast Team1
Studio style: Laika
Production breaks down

Viz Dev will need to create the whole package, which included:

2 main Characters
Pros (if need)
Final moment

Modeler will be modeling props, character, or environment base on the Viz Dev’s designs for the animators.

Animators will create a scene from the story.
Things that Viz Dev will be focus on:

Characters related to Hillary’s story:

Kate, Alex (all Viz Dev)

Environment related to Hillary’s story:

Grandmother apartment  (the whole room) (all Viz Dev?)
Kate ‘s room (The Artifacts area) (kevan)
Apartment hallway
Living room
Exterior of the apartment (Polly)

Kitchen props
The artifacts from the trip
Cafe mud
Jacket (for the boy)
Couch (Christy)

Floor plans (Christy) (Annlyn)
Color keys (Annlyn)
Texturing (Annlyn)

Final moment (all Viz Dev)
Animator will focus on:
Becky: The scene Grandma gives him tea and looks at his hand)

Brandon: the scene with Alex looking around the apartment leading up to the “I never expected you to pamper me”
Modeler will focus on:
Grandmother apartment W props
Characters (if need)

