2012年10月31日 星期三

Python Skin?

6 則留言:

  1. I think the shape of this guy might change a bit to match the boards... check out my old rough schematic of the ceiling and the ceiling images in Hill's boards.

    The shapes work overall, it's just too compact. It will be encircling a big chandelier.

    1. ohh...I didn't know it would be encircling the chandelier...

    2. crap....my fault for not looking at hillary's boards before. But I would like to know how it would be placed in the final schematic though, so I don't have to continually make changes on the shape.

  2. It's the same as in Hills boards, I need to run to class rt now, in 3 hrs I'll update the ceiling schematic... sry for the wait :(

  3. We can show artwork that does not reflect the boards alongside the work that does. Visual Development includes explorative work in addition to finalized designs. Make sure to show this in class too.

  4. I second what Hilary said. What you paint now versus what is actually in the scene don't have to be exact. I like this concept and we can definitely show it in class
