2012年10月23日 星期二

Rough Schematic- Feedback?

Floor and ceiling

Second view showing what's behind all the kitchen junk.

Notes to self:

Could be even more stuff hanging from or piling up to the ceiling... Need to work on fixing the even sizes and spacing of books, boxes, and props. Mer-bear shape needs to be focal point. There are 5 lights in the room. 2 are behind masks on either side of the taxidermy shelf. (small) There is 1 light behind the snake head, 1 in the kitchen ceiling,  and 1 by the couch. (bright)

There's so many twists and turns in the room, might need a turn-around of it drawn.

No props will go unused, haha.

5 則留言:

  1. This looks fantastic.
    Right now Mer-Bear is surrounded by other animals on the wall/display and maybe that's what's stealing his thunder. What if he was crammed between or next to a bookshelf? Something with more uniform shapes, less subjective read.

    I'd like to point out that the snake-light is AWESOME. nice job Christy!!

  2. I agree with annlyn, the light behind the snake is GREAT! And overall I like the cluttered feel to it. Will try to get as much props done tonight to be used in the schematic!

  3. Looks amazing!
    Only one note, If we are going to do the panning shot with this background, the first room to the right/the hallway needs to be shorter. The hallways is just a little bit long, and will ubstruct the camera view.

    Great work Christy!

    1. you mean Kate's bedroom should be shortened, so the protruding corner is closer to the front door? right?
