2012年10月23日 星期二

Characters WIP

Using upside-down bottle for Alex's head and triceratops for Kate here's where I've gotten so far.
I'd love some ideas for colors, clothing, anything!

3 則留言:

  1. Great work!
    a couple notes:
    Alex's mouth is disappearing a little too much, ooch it up. More poses to make sure Grandma can move 3d.

    Great work! I love that loose gesture of Grandma!!! :D

  2. haha, alex looks so WIMPY...really like how kate turned out too. I was thinking of having kate wear some sort of utility vest with different kinds of pockets and stuff, but i'm not sure if that would compete with her cargo pants

  3. quick question, if this Alex is going to be sculpted, how might the eyes be done?
